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Writer's pictureSonal Ahuja


Updated: Aug 2, 2023

It is always believed that underlying every behaviour, is a POSITIVE INTENTION. This applies even to seemingly bad or non-productive behaviours (as per the mental state at that point in time of a person). What is important here is to uncover the positive intent, the purpose, of this behaviour, as there is always a reason. Once the purpose is established we can teach or help the person, or our own neurology in this instance, find healthier and more ecological ways to satisfy our intention.

The Intention here is to get the child admitted to a good school and give the child the best education.

Isn’t it?

But look at the kind of mental states we find ourselves in, based on which we behave in a certain way, which can be productive or destructive. The question here is to ask yourself, is it really about the admissions that we as parents worry? Or it is more about our own mental states based on perspectives, beliefs, presuppositions?

Can we look at and start working on our own neurology rather working on external data that we collect throughout. Eg:

  1. Admission to grade NUR is very tough.

  2. Nur admission is the only way to get into the mainstream.

  3. Admission in Grade 1 is impossible.

  4. The school with Good name and fame is worth experiencing.

  5. Air-conditioned schools are upgraded schools

  6. The schools using smart boards are necessarily better than non-tech schools. Etc.

We perceive the world through our five senses –the external territory. We then take this external phenomenon and make an internal representation of it –the map. This external map we create of the world outside is influenced by our perceptions, our beliefs, and values. It follows then that what is outside can never be, the exact same as what we create inside our brain. Furthermore, each person, according to his or her own belief system, will create a different map of this same world that we perceive. In other words, we each have our individual map of the world and in order to communicate effectively and easily, it is important to understand the internal reality. In this instance, I have tried to convey that we need to create a better state of mind in order to understand that



Change yourself, change your states, so that you collect the data that helps you keep calm and achieve what you want, without feeling toxic but full of wisdom. The CHANGE that will be witnessed NOW is the change that matters.

Sonal Ahuja

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